About Eric

Eric is a Bible teacher living in Chennai, India. He has been serving in His vineyard full-time since January 2011.

Eric was born to nominal Christian parents; his father had to meet up with an untimely end due to a road accident when Eric was just one year old.

Eric's mother, a Government school teacher, raised him and his elder brother as a single parent. The local Church to which she was attached played a vital role in shaping the family, particularly Eric and his brother.

Eric's parents belonged to two different religions and ethnicities. After his father's death, this family had tough times with the family communities. As a family, they faced rejection and shame that had caused enough damage in their childhood.

Eric's mother gave all the best she could afford, but, there were hardly any to pat them on their back and say few loving and encouraging words. As a family, they craved love, appreciation, and acceptance.

That was when one of their family friends invited Eric's mother to a Church.

At first, she went to Church to respect the invitation of a family friend, but soon, she realized the impact of the Word of God in her life and the love of God and the love that was showered freely by the Church members.

The Word of God gave the hope to face the future and the challenges. The Church became the more prominent family, and they stood by the side of the family in everything and anything.

Life started to take a new shape, and the personal encounter with God became a relationship with the Creator God, and life became joyful, meaningful, and purposeful over time.

Eric's family spent most of the time in the Church; the other two places they had to go were his school and home.

Since Eric grew up in the Church atmosphere, he had the opportunity to be a part of all Sunday classes, children's retreats, youth meetings, and annual conventions.

In addition, the Church led him to experience the plan of salvation offered by the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and they continued to shower abundant love on his family.

The way they prayed with real burden and tears for someone else made Eric understand the love of Christ.

After completing school, he took up a diploma in mechanical engineering and a job in the automobile industry as a service engineer. Then, he started a business, a marketing company, and did a handsome volume of business.

It was when Eric realized that the reason for children of God showering so much love on others is because the God they worship is so loving unconditionally, gracious, and merciful.

Soon, Eric understood that it was giveback time; looking at the surroundings, he felt the need to contribute to society. He was moved by the burden on people seeing drug addicts, broken families, loveless families, hatred, conflicts, and arrogance of the people in authority.

Moreover, the unquenching inspiration he had deep down in his heart made him work towards showing the love of Christ to his surroundings.

As a young man, Eric has been actively involved in ministry. He was given various responsibilities in his Church, from youth leader to lay pastor. He served in Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship International, Calvary AG Church, Salem; Bethel AG Church, Bengaluru; NLAG Community, Chennai until 2010; and since 2011, he has been serving the Lord in Joy Eternal Fellowship, Chennai.

After committing himself to the call of God, once he decided to serve God full-time, Eric pursued a Master's degree in Divinity and pursuing research at present.

As a Bible Teacher, Eric shared the good news of Jesus Christ with a few thousand through Joy Eternal Fellowship. In addition, he developed a team of disciples by conducting Bible studies and training programs called 'Truth Focus.'

Please click the link below to read the testimonies of those who received blessings through the ministry of Eric.

Click to read testimonies 

JoyEternalFellowship. Com is one of the digital ministries founded by Eric to write blogs that would encourage the readers and give them hope to face the day in trusting God.

He believes God has called him to serve the kingdom of God based on these two verses.

"... to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2: 15

"... Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect," 1 Peter 3: 15.

Eric is committed to sharing the unbiased, plain truth through his blogs. Then, God, who is concerned about the people, would address their issues and problems and lead to solutions through His Word. JoyEternalFellowship.com is a channel of blessing to the people.

Please do remember Eric and the ministry in your personal prayers,

May God bless you and give you all your heart's desires according to His will and in His time. May God bless you and your family for a happy, healthy, and long life, a joy-filled, peaceful life, a bright, wonderful future, and assured Eternal Joy in eternity.

Here is the list of other digital ministries founded by Eric.


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