Testimonies for the glory of God

Pradeepa, Chennai, India.

Praise the Lord!

My name is Pradeepa. I want to share my testimony for the glory of God. I was born in a Hindu family, and It wasn't an easy journey for me when I accepted Christ as my Lord and savior. Initially, it was a tremendous joy, but my family and friends mistreated me for the new way of life. They said, "It's a sin leaving our faith and serving Jesus."

I had come across many troubles in my life. Like everyone else, I, too, had asked God, "Why do I have so much pain in life?" So often,  suicidal thoughts used to torment me. It took me years to understand God's purpose for my life. Soon I understood why God permitted those troubles, pains, and sufferings.

Though I knew Christ, I didn't know how to walk in the right way of faith.  I was distressed, and I asked God, "If You care for me, show me a way where I can walk with You throughout my life and be a testimony."

One of my family friends introduced me to Joy Eternal Fellowship, where I met Pastor Eric and Sis. Sudha Eric. It was a tough time when I met them; the survival of my son and myself was a question mark. But, gradually, I understood the love of God through the pastor's sermon, and those sermons had renewed my life.  Sister Sudha was very caring, used to call me very often, and encouraged me with the Word of God. They helped me know more about God, understand His perfect will, and persevered me to walk according to His will.

I started a prayer meeting at my home, families from other beliefs were blessed, and of course, God has blessed me particularly with a new life and performed a miracle by giving me a girl baby. I could see God's love in my life.

Now I am strong enough in faith, I know my God is more significant than any problem I face, and I will never return from Him.

Thanks to Pastor Eric and Sister Sudha Eric and especially to all the incredible Joy Eternal families.

Praise be to God alone.



Stalin, Chennai, India.

Hello, my name is Stalin. I was born to Roman Catholic parents and spent most of my life worshiping idols. However, I always wanted to know the true God. 

In 2016, I met Pastor Eric, Joy Eternal Fellowship, at my workplace. We used to interact and discuss human beliefs and spiritual life during lunch. Such discussions inspired me to know more about God and draw closer to Him. Soon I visited Joy Eternal Fellowship and was immensely blessed by the Sunday worship. I accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. My wife, a practicing Roman Catholic, began reading the Holy Bible and accepted Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. In December 2016, my wife and I got baptized.

In August 2018, my brother-in-law met with a horrible road accident. He had a severe head injury and was in a coma. Doctors had no hope of recovering; he never opened his eyes nor spoke a word for many days. He was in the intensive care unit. During this time, our church members continuously prayed for his recovery. Pastor Eric visited the hospital and prayed for him, and there was a sudden response in his body during prayer even when he was unconscious. Though the doctors said it would take years to recover from a coma, he regained consciousness and started talking like everyone else. Glory to God!

Our God is a loving and miracle-working God! My brother-in-law, an atheist, is now completely healed and has accepted Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He is currently living everyday life like everybody else.

My mother-in-law, a practicing Roman Catholic Christian, was initially hesitant about practicing a non-catholic belief. However, she came to one of our Sunday fellowships; by God's perfect plan, she encountered God, committed herself, and became a believer in Christ Jesus. Our family began to understand what it meant to be set apart for God's kingdom, and we desire to live a life pleasing to the Lord.

We are also delighted that our children are excited to be part of the fellowship and grow in the Lord. I'm also able to see God's favor and anointing in my career and involving myself in ministry, and praying for the expansion of His kingdom. Praise the Lord!


Bharathi, Chennai, India.

Right from my childhood, I had an attraction towards divine connections. But, I had personally experienced life transformation after knowing and accepting the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I had fear about everything when I was young, but after following Christ, I received the perfect peace of mind, and the fear had rolled away from my life.

Since God accompanies and guides me all the time, I feel safer, and His guidance always protects me from making wrong decisions.

I am more confident in Christ since I am delivered from the sin and curses by the bloodshed of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

I always hear the feeble voice of God and experience His counseling at the time of danger.

Earlier, we sought help and favor from others, but now, God has blessed us in such a way to help those who are in need. We lack nothing and live a life of content at present.

Pastor Eric helped me know the Lord, and I would continue to be grateful to the Lord God throughout my lifetime.


Joshua, Chennai, India.

Trust in the Lord, and you will prosper.

Before coming to Christ, I had no interest in my education, money, and family relationships. Life tasted bitter to me.

I accepted the Lord as my savior in 1999; I experienced perfect peace and started to live a meaningful life from that moment.

As I grew up in the Word of God, my old nature, bad habits, and sins had left me, and now I live a burden-free joyful life.

The fellowship with God helped me see good promotions in my job and brought notable developments to my family.

I got to know about Joy Eternal Fellowship, which helped me to grow in the light of the Word of God.

Bible says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

I thank God for helping me and my family to worship Him. Amen.






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