
The Kingdom of God

Written by Eric R


Written by Wilson Praveen

Written by Eric R

Years ago, when I was young, I traveled extensively between towns for my business. On one such occasion, accomplishing business and before leaving for my hometown, I visited a dealer whose shop was on a highway; I planned this visit because I could board any random bus from a bus stop near the dealer's outlet.

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Written by Eric R

The distance between these two words, "dream" and "reality", was thirteen years in the life of Joseph and the earthly life to eternal life for a few other champions of faith.

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Written by Eric R

"Stand at ease, attention - quick march, left right left, about-turn, yes, fall on a straight line, let's start the exercise, 1 2 3 4 and 4 3 2 1," said Ms. Alphonse.

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Written by Eric R

Sweet Chariot and Sugar Daddy are famous bakeries in Bangalore. When you step into one of their outlets, the ambiance and the presentation of cakes in different colors displayed on a glossy shelf will almost make your brain understand the taste of the cakes on display. Mouthwatering?

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Written by Eric R

Anyone who visits a Government office in India would experience a high handedness and arrogance from the officer they meet. Few of them turn out to be polite in a while and extend helping hands with a broad smile on their face. Easily you can make out that they are corrupt officers and looking for a bribe.

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Written by Eric R

Plain Truth: We live in God's world, God is the center of this universe, and we are not. Nature's Law: "Whatever one sows, that will he also reap."

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Written by Eric R

2 Kings 2:14 Many of us are pretty familiar with this passage. Prophet Elisha, the successor of Elijah, has started his mission journey with this question.

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Written by Eric R

The human mind gets attracted to anything spectacular; of course, it is pretty natural. In particular, we expect something supernatural when it comes to divine intervention.

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Written by Eric R

But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. (Exodus 1:12)

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Written by Eric R

Church teachings are still limited to telling lies, jealousy, greed, disobedience, pride, watching movies, lust, and general discipline. These are inevitable basics of the Christian teachings. No doubt, these teachings cover the wholesome need of a believer.

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Written by Eric R

Does God perform a miracle today? Yes, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What do we expect? Miracle or magic?

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Written by Eric R

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24) Does it sound logical or scientific? How can a dead grain bear fruit?

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