Written by Eric R

2 Kings 2:14 Many of us are pretty familiar with this passage. Prophet Elisha, the successor of Elijah, has started his mission journey with this question.

This question looks similar as most of us have raised on some or other occasions. "Where is the Lord - when I, met with a danger, lost my loved ones, lost my job, faced financial downtrend, and suffered during the natural disaster?"

But, this wasn't the tone of Prophet Elisha. He was proclaiming the mighty power of the Lord to be in action.

Let us see what preceded before he said this.

Elijah had chosen Elisha to be his successor as God instructed him. Elisha left his profession and followed Elijah at once. They both traveled many miles before God had taken Elijah through the whirlwind and chariots of fire.

Elisha had asked for the double portion of Spirit as Elijah had. Elijah said he would receive it if he looked at him while taken to heaven.

Elisha's perseverance had resulted in the double portion of the gift that Prophet Elijah had.

Now, Elisha is coming back alone; when Elisha reached the river Jordon, he struck the waters with the cloak of Elijah and said, "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?"

Waters parted away, and he walked in the river as if he was walking on the dry land.

I believe, even if he had used one of his garments or his hand or his foot on the water, the waters would have divided and given way to him.

It wasn't the cloak of Elijah that made the miracle, but the God of Elijah continued to manifest Himself even through Elisha.

Elisha was faithful in following his leader Elijah as long as he was on the earth, but once his leader left him, he chose to follow the Lord whom his leader was following.

In the present context, we follow a leader and accomplish his vision and mission till God assigns us our role in the Kingdom of God. So as we should lead our successors to God and be willing to detach them from assisting us. We should encourage them to follow and serve the Lord in God's appointed time.

Leaders lead us to Christ Jesus.
Preachers and teachers teach about Christ Jesus.
Evangelists spread the good news of the Savior Christ Jesus.
Prophets prophesy what was revealed by Christ Jesus.
Performing miracles glorifies Christ Jesus.

The kingdom of God continues to expand through these kinds of servants of God and their mission.

May God bless you.


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